Gina and Lynn of First Impressions Imprinting host the most amazing crops I've every seen. They literally jam-pack and entire weekend scrap into one fun-filled exciting day. They've certainly got it down pat! The energy in the room, the food, music, prizes, and amenities were so well put together and thought out. I was very impressed with what these girls can do. Not to mention they create the most amazing imprinted albums I've ever seen... and reasonably priced too. Check them out here: I have booklets at the store if anyone is interested too. Anyway, they host 3 crops per year... and this year, their September crop is a Weekend get-a-way. Oh, I can't wait!!!
Gina and Lynn were both kind enough to invite me to stop by and introduce myself to the group. Most of the girls had no idea that there was a local place to shop their scrapbooking papers. I have to tell you, this group of girls were so warm and inviting... and talented scrappers too. I was honored to have been able to meet their acquaintances. I got to meet some new faces, and chat with some of our regular customers too. I didn't want to leave... but when I did, I was soooo inspired to sit down and scrap myself.
There was no scrapping for me afterwards. I had to go to Lowe's to get paint. Yep, we are finally painting our scrap-room.
Talk to you all later,
Happy Scrappin'